The Mission Impossible franchise’s eventual return to cinemas beckons via its 7th installment. As lead actor, Tom Cruise is set to make a big splash as he not only adds to, but also transcends his stunt repertoire. Dead Reckoning Pt. 1 has been met with many delays, both those beset by its production and the earlier pandemic. Hence, it is arriving a whopping 5 years after Fallout. But it does look like the wait wasn’t without cause, as the film has been teased to feature major death-defying stunts — that are sure to certify the franchise’s leading star as an absolute Daredevil.
In particular, two stunts that have been highlighted and used for movie’s campaign/marketing thus far stand out, namely:
The Base Jumping stunt
The Speedflying stunt
Both stunts have featurettes that delve [well enough] into challenges posed by accomplishing them, as well as showcasing the actual accomplishment of the stunts. A major [mind blowing] takeaway from the featurettes is that, the stunts are all practical with Tom Cruise [completely] in the driver’s seat. It really makes one wonder at this point, just how the upcoming Dead Reckoning Pt. 2 set to release sometime next year will trump its immediate predecessor. Because it has been teased the awe will continue. As Tom Cruise clearly held nothing back when ‘stunting’ through production for Dead Reckoning Pt. 1.
Then there’s also the case of how integral these stunts are to the plot. While these stunts might be fast paced, when compared to others within the movie, and because of that, last for only few minutes. That shouldn’t be the baseline for judging their importance as there will be a build up, that exposes the motive(s), which pushes Tom Cruise’s character to take such daring risks.
With marketing ramping up as the film is set to debut next week, expectations should be at an all time high. Particularly for the franchise’s loyal fan base, who are in no doubt in for a treat. As long as Tom Cruise is [completely] willing and able one can bet that Dead Reckoning Pt. 2 will [eventually] find a way to raise the bar even further.
Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Pt. 1 releases in Cinemas July 12, 2023.